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June 19, 2019 • Mike Huber

4 Benefits Of Gator Base LOCK-N-GO Technology

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Yes, there are other brands of foam base for pavers out on the market but did you know that Alliance Gator Base is the only one that offers LOCK-N-GO Technology? In this post, we’ll explain what LOCK-N-GO is and four very important benefits you should know about.


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What is LOCK-N-GO?
Gator Base has been designed with a tongue and groove interlocking system, better known as LOCK-N-GO. Each Gator Base panel locks into the next to form a single and incredibly sturdy base for laying pavers on top of. While there are other brands of foam base available on the market, Gator Base is the only one that features a locking edge system.

This video below shows LOCK-N-GO Technology in action at a recent Gator U course. Contractors were given 8x8 sample pieces of Gator Base to test the tongue and groove system for themselves!

Benefit #1: Increased Strength
Since the Gator Base panels are designed to lock together, they will essentially form a monolithic slab once installed. In climates that experience freeze and thaw cycles, this is especially significant. The pavers and base form a single unit which is isolated from the ground to a certain degree and will endure natural ground movements as such.

Benefit #2: You Can Walk On It
After the Gator Base panels have been installed, you can feel free to walk all over them! The LOCK-N-GO Technology secures each and every panel together so they won’t shift around once they’re down. Very convenient!

Benefit #3: Paver Staging
Besides being able to walk on the Gator Base panels during an installation, you can also stage your pavers right on top of them. There’s no need to have someone standing off to the side handing off pavers to the person installing them! Pavers can be staged right on the Gator Base and pushed or slid around as needed. This will significantly expedite the installation process.

Benefit #4: Security
No need to worry about the wind if you’re using Gator Base. Because the panels lock into each other, they will not blow around on a windy day. Also, if rain is forecasted before your paver installation, the installed Gator Base will protect your compacted final grade bedding sand from washing away. Again, it’s another way that LOCK-N-GO Technology eases the installation process.


Pro Tip: When installing Gator Base, be sure to line up the panels so that all of the Gator faces are lined up in the same orientation. This will guarantee that each panel will lock in properly!

Want to learn more about Gator Base and how it might make a great fit for your next paver installation? Check out our case study!

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